Automating DNS registration & certificate management in AKS: A step-by-step guide
This article describes how AKS & Azure DNS can be configured to automate DNS registration for Ingress resources and certificate issuance with Let's Encrypt
Microsoft Azure, is a cloud computing service for building, testing, deploying, and managing applications and services through Microsoft-managed data centers.
This article describes how AKS & Azure DNS can be configured to automate DNS registration for Ingress resources and certificate issuance with Let's Encrypt
In AKS node affinity is an important concept when dealing with multiple node pools. It allows for configuring pods to stick to nodes with specific characteristics. This article will discuss the options at hand
This post demonstrages the various ways to change the access tiers of blobs and file shares when using an Azure Storage Account
This post shows how to determine if availability zones got enabled upon creating the registry. It will also summarize geo-replication and availability zones.
This article explains how an Azure Alert can be fired whenever a Postgres exception occurs.
This article describes how one can move an accidentally placed virtual machine to a different virtual network
This article demonstrates how a spring boot application can use an Azure AD identity to authenticate against a Postgres server
This article provides bicep-lang templates for Application Insight WebTest resources. More specifically for URL Ping Tests and the new standard Tests
This article shows how we can control read-only and read-write access to a PostgreSQL database by using Azure AD groups.
In this article I describe how to make use of the Azure REST API to retrieve the creation timestamp of any Azure resource. Unfortunately this info is not available via Portal or CLI.
When it comes to securing a SQL server there are severeal things we need to think of. One of this things is the protection of our data in transit and/or at rest by using encryption
When I started to dive into the Azure world I found the difference between Service Endpoints and Private Links confusing. In this post I'd like to clear things up a bit and give a quick overview