Azure Monitor · · 5 min read

How to trigger an alert when a Postgres PL/pgSQL exception occurs

This article explains how an Azure Alert can be fired whenever a Postgres exception occurs.

How to trigger an alert when a Postgres PL/pgSQL exception occurs
Photo by Brett Jordan / Unsplash


There might be situations where you or a group of people wants to get notified in case something goes wrong in any of your long-running PL/pgSQL code. This short article demonstrates how Azure Monitor can be leveraged for this kind of task.


First, we'll have to forward the server logs to a Logs Analytics workspace, which we then use to create an Azure Monitor Alert. So let's create a workspace in case there is not one in place yet.

Create a Log Analytics Workspace

There is nothing exciting about that. Just navigate to the Azure Portal, enter Log Analytics workspaces in the search bar, and follow the wizard.

Creating a new Log Analytics workspace

Next, we'll want to forward the Postgres Server Logs to the Log Analytics workspace.

Configure Diagnostic settings

Navigate to Monitoring > Diagnostic settings and click Add diagnostic setting. Make sure PostgreSQL Server Logs is checked in the Logs section to the left. Select the Log Analytics workspace from the dropdown list and hit save.

🔎 In case you are running Postgres Single Server a pricing tier of General Purpose or Memory Optimized is required so that you are able to forward the PostgreSQL Server Logs to a Logs Analytics Workspace.
Forwarding Postgres Server Logs to your Log Analytics Workspace

Before we now get to create the alert, let's first examine some example PL/pgSQL code snippets.

Example PL/pgSQL function

The following function is flawed in that it attempts to divide by zero which throws an exception.

create or replace function bad_function() returns void as
    l_sqlstate          text;
    l_message           text;
    l_exception_context text;
    l_context           text;
    select 1 / 0;
    when division_by_zero then
        get stacked diagnostics
            l_sqlstate = returned_sqlstate,
            l_message = message_text,
            l_exception_context = pg_exception_context,
            l_context = pg_context;

        select exception_logger(l_sqlstate, l_message, l_exception_context, l_context);
$$ language plpgsql;
Function throwing an exception

The example makes use of the GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS command to get detailed information about the current exception and passes it on to a simple logger function.

create or replace function exception_logger(p_sqlstate text, p_message text, p_exception_context text, p_context text) returns void as
    raise exception E'Exception occured
        state  : %
        message: %
        context: %
        stack  : %' ,p_sqlstate, p_message, p_exception_context, p_context;
$$ language plpgsql;
Logger function

This dedicated logger function helps standardize the error message that we later parse.

[2022-09-12 15:56:46] [P0001] ERROR: Exception occured
[2022-09-12 15:56:46] state  : 22012
[2022-09-12 15:56:46] message: division by zero
[2022-09-12 15:56:46] context: SQL statement "select 1 / 0"
[2022-09-12 15:56:46] PL/pgSQL function bad_function() line 8 at SQL statement
[2022-09-12 15:56:46] stack  : PL/pgSQL function bad_function() line 11 at GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS
[2022-09-12 15:56:46] Where: PL/pgSQL function logger(text,text,text,text) line 3 at RAISE
[2022-09-12 15:56:46] SQL statement "select logger(l_sqlstate, l_message, l_exception_context, l_context)"
[2022-09-12 15:56:46] PL/pgSQL function bad_function() line 17 at SQL statement
Error message produced by the logger

Creating an alert

Now that we know what an exception message will look like, we can create an alert from the Postgres blade by navigating to Monitoring > Alerts. First, create an alert rule and select Custom log search as the source signal.

Select a signal

When asked for a KQL query, enter the following and click on Continue Editing Alert. The query returns every row from the table AzureDiagnostics where the Log-Message contains the keyword Exception and belongs to the category PostgreSQLLogs.

| where Category == "PostgreSQLLogs" and Message has "Exception"
| project TimeGenerated, Message
| order by TimeGenerated desc

From within the Measurement section, choose an Aggregation granularity that fits your purpose.

Summarizing the results

In the example from above, if e.g. 2 events occur within 1 minute the aggregated result will be 2 and passed on to the Alert Logic. Next, the logic defines when an alert should be fired. The example below will fire an alert, whenever a single exception occurs within 1 minute.

Azure Monitor Alert Logic

Don't forget to create an action group that defines notification types.

Defining an Action Group

And with that, every exception will trigger an Azure Alert. You can find an example below. Unfortunately, the exception message does not get shown in the e-mail. However, by clicking on the Search Results link we will be forwarded to the Log Analytics workspace pointing to the event.

Alert Azure Alert e-mail sent by Microsoft


This short walkthrough demonstrated how we can easily receive Azure Alerts triggered by your PL/pgSQL code. Let me summarize the most important points.

I hope you found this post informative! 🔎 Happy hacking! 👨🏻‍💻

Further reading

Logs - Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Single Server
Describes logging configuration, storage and analysis in Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Single Server
Logs - Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server
Describes logging configuration, storage and analysis in Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server
43.6. Control Structures
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