Talks & Publications

Talks & Publications

June 2023, Building codeless APIs with Data API Builder, Azure User Group Zurich

Microsoft's new Data API builder allows developers to expose databases via REST and GraphQL endpoints in a codeless manner! The integrated policy engine supports common features such as pagination, filtering, projection, sorting, and even authorization out of the box.

I gave this session on the Azure User Group Zurich to provide an overview of what the Data API builder runtime is capable of and how quickly it can be set to action!

April 2022, Writing & Testing ASP.NET Core Middleware Components

I wrote this three-part article for the German IT magazine Windows .Developer. It explains middleware components and demonstrates how they can be developed and properly tested.

ASP.NET-Core: Vorbereitungen für die Middleware
Jeder, der eine Webanwendung mit ASP.NET Core schreibt, verwendet mindestens eine Middlewarekomponente. Aber was ist eigentlich eine Middleware und wie funktioniert sie?

Teil 1 - Vorbereitungen für die Middleware

Schreiben einer eigenen Middleware
Im ersten Teil dieser Reihe wurde gezeigt, was eine Middleware eigentlich ist und welche zentrale Rolle diesen Bausteinen in der Abarbeitung von HTTP Requests zukommt. Mit ASP.NET Core gibt es drei grundsätzliche Arten, eine Middleware zu schreiben.

Teil 2 - Schreiben einer eigenen Middleware

ASP.NET-Core: Testen von Middlewarekomponenten
Wie werden Unit- und Integrationstests zur Überprüfung von Middleware geschrieben? Wir fokussieren zwei Strategien: Isolation und Middleware-Pipeline.

Teil 3 - Testen von Middlewarekomponenten

November 2021, Monitoring your Apps with Application Insights, Azure User Group Bern

When it comes to monitoring your applications, be it hosted on-premises, hybrid, or any public cloud, Azure Application Insights is the goto-solution.

It supports various platforms, including .NET, Node.js, Java, and Python, and lets you understand what users do with your app.

It further provides valuable insights on failures, automatically detects performance anomalies, and monitors the availability of your application. In this talk, I introduced the main features and demonstrated how Application Insights can be used with multiple application components.

Azure Application insights - An Introduction
These slides give an introduction to the features App Insights provide. Also, it will present some tips and tricks you might find useful.
GitHub - matthiasguentert/AppInsightsDemo
Contribute to matthiasguentert/AppInsightsDemo development by creating an account on GitHub.

Azure can be complicated. And Azure networking can be complicated for the Azure novice. How can we ensure our network designs follow best practices, and how can we integrate platform services into our vnet infrastructure?

In this talk, I provided an introduction to service endpoints and private links, what they are good for and how they differ from each other. Also, we walked through an example setup to see them in action.

February 2021: Service Endpoints versus Private Endpoint by Matthias Güntert
Link to recording: Abstract: Azure can be complicated. And Azure networking can be really complicated for the Azure novice. How can we make sure our network designs follow best practices and how can we integrate platform services into our vnet infrastruct…